Meaning of symbols in the stakeout screens

A Deed Calls & Stakeout user wondered about the meaning of the colored arrrows and circles in the stakeout screens.

The large arrow in the GPS marker indicating your current position will be a gray color when your speed is very slow (e.g. less than 1 m/s). The arrow will change to a red color when your speed isย above 1 m/s. The direction of the arrow indicates your current direction.

In a stakeout screen, an indicator showing the direction to reach the target is overlaid on top of your current position and is shown as a blue triangle. To reach the target, start moving in the direction of the target so the red arrow aligns with the blue arrow. Alternatively, follow the direction displayed by the app, e.g. Go N: 15.500 E: 20.450 ft. It goes without saying that, if you are driving, please stay on the road. ๐Ÿ™‚

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